Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is open to all high schoolers interested in exploring the Kingdom of God and our place in it. We meet at 6:30 on THursday nights for supper, conversation, and service projects.

The most recent meeting showcased a question of the week (selected by the group) “what is your meaning of life”, a question the ancient Greek philosophers even pondered. Plato believed the meaning of life is attaining the highest form of knowledge, which is the idea (form) of the Good, from which all good and just things derive utility and value. Aristotle argued that ethical knowledge is not certain knowledge but is general knowledge. A person had to study and practice in order to become "good"; thus the person would become virtuous. This is why the good has rightly been defined as the object of all endeavors. Everything is done with a goal, and that goal is "good". le more about you.